The Trustees of Reservations
Moose Hill Farm
CSA Blog
A property of The Trustees of Reservations
Moose Hill Farm CSA
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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Farm Stand this Sunday!

Miss coming to the farm already?! Come see us on Sunday!

We are holding two last farm stand days this season; Sunday, November 3 and Saturday, Nov 16th from 9am -2pm.  Local chefs will be preparing tasty samples from the farm's veggies and there will be free freshly popped Powisset Farm popcorn and local cider. 

We will also be sampling Appleton Farm's dairy; there will be milk, yogurt, blue cheese, a tomme cheese and asiago cheese to try.  We are thinking of offering a dairy share to CSA members next season, so come try it for yourself!  Learn all about the dairy here:   

These farm stand days also mark the time that the general public (in addition to the renewals that started in October) can start signing up for the 2014 CSA program.  For the month of November, anyone that signs up for the CSA can choose to recieve either a free flower share or a $25 discount.  Sign up for the CSA at either farm stand day and receive 2 FREE DOZEN EGGS!  Don't miss out!

Veggies you can enjoy at the sale include butternut and acorn winter squash, onions, shallots, garlic, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, turnips, rutabega, beets, potatoes, cabbage, kohlrabi, radishes, popcorn, kale, chard, spinach, and tender greenhouse-grown salad mixes.

See you there!
Farmer Molly and the crew 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moose Hill Farm: A review of the first season

We did it!  We started a brand new farm and you helped make it happen!

Last week marked the end of our first CSA season.  CSA members received a total of $717 of fresh produce!  That is a surplus of $117 over the value of the share (see chart below).  That is one of the perks of belonging to a CSA program; you share in the risk and the bounty.  This year happened to be a bountiful year and we feel very grateful. 

Moose Hill Farm has been able to donate ~1500 lbs of produce to area food pantries so far and will continue to donate until just before Thanksgiving.  That is equivalent to ~$2500 and your membership to the CSA helped to provide this very important service and was very much appreciated by your fellow community members. 

Thank you to all who responded to the feedback questions posted in the CSA pick-up area over the last few weeks.  We loved reading through all your thoughtful responses and are already planning to make changes and additions for next year.  We learned that about half of you are brand new to belonging to a CSA program - Congrats!  It was fantastic seeing the list of veggies that were new to people...from ground cherries to kohlrabi to exotic basil varieties, we are so excited to have you hooked!  We plan to provide more tips and resources on how to make the most out of your CSA next year; from storage, to preserving techniques, to recipes, to learning more about the health benefits of the different families of vegetables, and to hosting more CSA potlucks/recipe swaps.  We also plan to make the PYO section more centralized and provide more information on how to pick the ripest and tastiest vegetables.  Based on all the really positive responses to the PYO portion of our CSA program, we are expanding it!  You may have noticed the mobile chicken coop close to the greenhouse a few weeks back.  The chickens were working the soil for our new flower/perennial herb garden.  CSA members will now get to pick a set amount of perennial herbs as part of their share (mint, thyme, oregano, lavender, etc).  The flowers at Moose Hill will now be open to the public (as well as CSA members who purchase a flower share).  A set price will be charged/stem and the flowers will be accessbile 7 days/week when in season.  This is also a nice option for CSA members who do not wish to commit to a flower share. 

Most of you commented that the amount of produce you received was just right but several people mentioned that they were glad they shared with other families. Just a reminder that we are now offering half shares for the 2014 CSA program and also look for a "swap" basket next year (leave a veggie behind/take a veggie you love).  We were excited to hear that you want more peas, beans,
and carrots - we do too!  Because our soil had been plowed for the first time ever this year, there was a lot of sod that needed time to break down.  This made crops that grow directly from a seed in the field (versus being seeded in the greenhouse first and then being transplanted into the field) quite difficult to grow this year.  Those crops included peas, beans, carrots, radishes, parnsips and some herbs.  We're looking forward to much more of those crops next year!

A lot of you expressed interest in the farm either growing fruit or providing a fruit share.  This is definitely something we are looking into.  Sadly, we had a crop failure on our musk and watermelons this year but we will try again next year.  Berries are perennial crops and we are in the process of deciding where perennial crops will be planted at the farm.  Hopefully in 2-3 years we will have our own strawberries, blueberries and raspberries but in the meantime, we are looking into offering a local fruit share that will include berries and/or tree fruits such as apples and peaches.   Other perennials we are considering growing at the farm are rhubarb and asparagus...stay tuned!

There was also some interest expressed in a meat share at the farm.  There are two scenarios we are currently looking into.  One is to provide meat grown on other Trustees of Reservations' farms which would include beef and pork.  The other option we are running budget numbers on is raising meat birds at Moose Hill...either just chicken or chicken and turkeys.  We will be sending out a separate survey to judge the interest in purchasing poultry from the farm sometime in the next few weeks.  We also have just found out that we would be able to offer dairy shares from Appleton Farms next season if there is enough interest!  Come to the fall farm stands to try cheese, yogurt and milk made from the pastured cows at our sister farm in Ipswich, MA.  We think you are going to love it!  And of course we will have our egg-cellent eggs again next year :)

We are really looking forward to expanding community events at the farm next year too.  Besides CSA potlucks, you all made some great suggestions for Farm Festivals, cook-offs and farm-to-table dinners.  The crew and I have already started to brainstorm events too, including a Spring Egg Hunt, Egg Painting contest and work days followed by Contra dances and polucks.  If anyone is interested in helping to make these happen, just email Farmer Molly!

Really looking forward to spending next season with you all,
Farmer Molly and the crew

lettuce 20 $2 $40.00
spinach 2.5 $6 $15.00
bok choi 6 $1.50 $9.00
kale 12.5 $2 $25.00
scallions 6.5 $1.50 $9.75
herbs 20.5 $2 $41.00
broccoli 8 $2.75 $22.00
arugula 3 $8 $24.00
radish 4 $1.50 $6.00
turnip 5 $1.50 $7.50
chard 11.5 $2 $23.00
cabbage 8 $2 $16.00
kohlrabi 2.5 $1.50 $3.75
peas 8 $3 $24.00
radicchio 2 $2 $4.00
beets 6.5 $2.50 $16.25
caulifower 1 $2.75 $2.75
squash 11.5 $1.50 $17.25
carrots 4 $2.50 $10.00
scapes 2 $1.50 $3.00
onions 8.25 $1.50 $12.38
potatoes 13.25 $1.50 $19.88
cukes 9.5 $1.50 $14.25
beans 12 $3.00 $36.00
eggplant 19.25 $2.50 $48.13
lettuce mix 3.25 $5 $16.25
tomatoes 24.5 $2.50 $61.25
padrons 0.25 $2.50 $0.63
leeks 5.5 $2 $11.00
hot peppers 12 $0.25 $3.00
asian greens 2.25 $6 $13.50
cherry tomatoes 21 $4.00 $84.00
peppers 10 $2.50 $25.00
ground cherries 7 $4.00 $28.00
beet greens 0.25 $5.00 $1.25
garlic 4 $1.50 $6.00
tomatillos 2.5 $2.00 $5.00
pie pumpkins 2 $2.00 $4.00
shallots 1 $4.00 $4.00
rutabega 1 $1.50 $1.50
butternut 1 $3.00 $3.00
TOTAL     $717.25

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A bird's eye view of the making of a farm

Here at the top of Moose Hill, we see a lot of small private planes flying over head every day.  They usually are flying fairly low and my guess is that they are heading into land at the Norwood airport.  Sometimes I wonder how much detail the pilot can see of the farm.  Has the pilot been making this trip for years?  Have they made it several times this season?  How cool it must be to have seen the growth of this farm from up above!

I can imagine them seeing the very first fields being plowed this time last year - brown soil where there had always been green grass.  Just one lonely farmer on a tractor for several weeks.  Then maybe they noticed the tall well-digging equipment last winter.  Land was cleared for a building - what are they trying to build in all that snow?  Oh, a greenhouse slowly takes shape.  Last spring they would have seen a new tiny building and what are all those brown specs running around it?  Why, those are chickens! And each week their tiny house is in a new spot and over time that pasture turns more and more green thanks so those little fertilizing machines.

Maybe the pilot peered down last spring and summer and saw more and more people moving around the fields.  The brown plowed fields are now green with life.  There is a large group of people on hands and knees planting and weeding and over there is a family picking cherry tomatoes. In all kinds of weather the people can be seen working; the crew's bright yellow raincoats and rainpants must have been quite the sight!

In our last week of Moose Hill Farm's first-ever CSA, the crew and I would like to extend our thanks again for joining us.  Not just to receive tasty vegetables every week but for supporting a farm that believes in using sustinable growing practices, that believes everyone has the right to healthy food, that livestock should be treated with the utmost care, that training new farmers is essential to rebuilding a local food system, that protects the surrounding ecosystem, and that is trying to bring balance back to the way we eat, grow and view our food.  Thank you for being a part of everything that Moose Hill stands for and we hope you join us again next year. 

In your final week, please enjoy spinach, chard, scallions, a choice of leeks or onions, a choice of kohlrabi or cabbage, rutabega, turnips, and butternut squash.  More peppers are for sale also.  Need more winter vegetables?  Don't forget about our fall farm stand days on Nov 3rd and Nov 16th.  More details coming next week!  Also don't forget that sign-ups for next year for current CSA members is going on now...the general public will be able to sign up starting on the fall farm stand days. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our chickens are famous!

Check out this great article about our chickens!

We have been so excited to provide you with eggs all season - they will be available at the farm until about Thanksgiving.  Don't worry, they will be back by the start of next year's CSA!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's the little things that matter the most...

...just wanted to say "thanks!" to all that came out to our first annual CSA potluck 2 weeks ago.  It was so lovely for the farmers to have the chance to sit and reflect with you.  And let's not forgot about the highlight of the potluck - the amazing food!  The list of items included dishes like Swiss Chard, Egg and Feta Bake; Roasted Broccoli, Radish and Leeks; Dill-icious Potato Salad; Tomatillo Salsa; Grilled Chipotle Chicken Caesar Salad; Eggplant Parm; and Pumpkin Pie, to name a few.  Smiling faces abounded - a special thanks to Joe Perez, one of the farm's workshares, for taking these lovely photos - I am already looking forward to next year's! 

For those of you that weren't able to join us, we would still love to hear feedback from you.  The list of survey questions that were posted at the potluck will be hanging in the CSA distribution area for the rest of the season (only 2 pick-ups left!!) for you to add your thoughts as well.  And feel free to contact me at with any other additional thoughts or questions you may have.
This week you will enjoy lettuce, spinach, choice of herbs, kale, scallions, broccoli, salad turnips and beets.  And as a special bonus, we are having a stock up sale on peppers!  We had our first frost Sunday night but the peppers had already been safely harvested and are being stored in the cooler.  You can buy peppers all week for $1/lb! 
Peppers are really easy to preserve – they freeze really well and you don’t have to blanch them.  Just chop into bite-size pieces and put into freezer bags (make sure to get all the air out of the bag).  I throw them into chili and stir-fry all winter.  Or, fry them up with some onions and freeze those – that way you can enjoy a sausage and pepper/onion sandwich for the Red Sox’s  opening day next April before pepper season has even begun J
Farmer Molly and the crew


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Three weeks to go...

...I can't believe it, but we are in the last month of the CSA!  Whoa!

The month of October, the traditional harvest month in New England, is here.  So many good veggies still left in the fields for your final weeks coming out to the farm.  Don't forget, the final pick up is October 26th. 

In case you just aren't ready to say good-bye to the farm yet, we are having 2 Fall Farm Stand days!  Come out to the farm on Sunday Nov 3rd and Saturday Nov 16th (9am-2pm) for all kinds of root veggies, greens sweetened by the colder temperatures, and winter squash.  There will also be local chefs with samples and recipes on how to make these veggies even more mouth-watering.  Local cider and freshly popped local popcorn will also be provided. These events are open to all so bring family and friends and help us spread the word.  What a wonderful way to say farewell to the farm for the winter!

If you are thinking about joining us again for another season (and we really hope you do!), October and November are the months to do it.  The CSA is now open for current members to re-register. Sign-up forms will be available at all pick ups and on-line registration will be up and running by the end of the week.  Look for an email this week with details of how to sign up on line.  And because we love you guys so much, you get a gift for signing up during October - you can pick either a free flower share or $25 off your share! Starting in November, the CSA will be open to the general public and we are adding 25 spots so spread the word to anyone you know who would love to be a part of this farm.  Anyone that signs up on the days of the fall farm stands will receive 2 FREE dozen eggs!! Current members are eligible for both the eggs and the discount if you come out to the Fall Farm Stands - I told you we loved you guys ;)  Hope to see you there!

This week you will enjoy lettuce, spinach or chard, napa cabbage, kale, radishes or salad turnips, broccoli (and lots of it!), shallots, garlic and pie pumpkins...don't you just love autumn!!

Farmer Molly and the crew

Friday, October 4, 2013

Potluck reminder!

Come out to the farm tomorrow for some great food!  Join us from noon-2pm tomorrow to share the bounty of Moose Hill Farm's first CSA - looks like the rain is going to have us inside the main farm house. 

See you tomorrow!
Farmer Molly and the crew